Privacy Statement

Hadleigh Swimming Club

Data Protection Statement

Hadleigh Swimming Club needs to hold data on its membership. We endeavour to ensure the data we hold is: adequate, relevant and not excessive; accurate and up to date; not kept for longer than necessary; processed in accordance with the rights of the individual and held with appropriate regard to its security.

What information do we require and why?

Upon joining the club we require the full name and address of the swimmer, their date of birth, gender and the name of their parent or legal guardian if the swimmer is under the age of eighteen. We also require at least one telephone number in case of emergency and an email address.

Name, address and date of birth: this is so we can apply for a membership number for SwimEngland. This is necessary for insurance and also so that you can compete in County-run galas & championships, regional events and open meets. We also use the swimmer’s date of birth so that we can enter them into the correct category at our club championships.

Gender: this is again so that swimmers can be entered into the correct races at the above events.

Email address: this is so that we can email you with invoices, news and other information.

Emergency contact numbers: we require these so that we can contact you in the event of an emergency.

Other information: it may be necessary to share medical information with us regarding allergies, asthma etc. We advise that you share this data with us for the wellbeing of the swimmer although this is voluntary.

Who will have access to my data?

We treat your data with care. It is necessary for some members of the committee to have access to more of your data than others – this includes the Treasurer, the Chair and Team Managers. Emails sent to groups of swimmers will be BCC’d so that others do not have access to your email address. Membership spreadsheets are password protected. It is necessary for emergency details to be kept where coaches and teacher can have access to them. The swimmer’s name and emergency contact numbers will be recorded on index cards, kept in a locked box in a locked cupboard on poolside. Teachers and coaches must have access to this. If you or your swimmer decide to leave the club, the card will be returned to you, or disposed of securely. Personal details held digitally will be deleted within twelve months.

When you enter a gala, you will be asked to complete a form from the hosting club or association. By entering the gala or meet, you are authorising us to share the data on the form with said club or association – this is usually done digitally. Paper forms will be kept by the team manager for two weeks after the event or when the results are published before destroying the forms securely. This is to enable us to check entry times etc are correct.


What else do we keep?

We also keep records of Personal Best times and of Club and Championship records. These are to help you, the coaches and Team Managers when entering events. These are updated regularly and can be found on our notice board. No unnecessary personal data, such as dates of birth will appear on this list. Photographs and/or video may also be taken for publicity or training purposes. We will ask for your permission for this separately and will never publish full names of swimmers with photographs.

We need your permission for all of this.

Thank you for taking the time to read this statement. Please give your consent for your data to be collected, held and shared as described by signing and dating this letter below. If your swimmer is under the age of eighteen, you will be acting on their behalf. This form can be returned to the Chair, Vice Chair or Treasurer in the envelope we have provided.


I give consent for data to be collected, held and shared as described.

Signed_______________________________ Date:____________________________

Name of Swimmer(s)















Hadleigh Swimming Club

Permission for the taking and use of images

Photographic images

I give permission for photographs to be taken. I understand that these images may be used for the purposes of publicity in print or digitally. Where photographs of swimmers under 18 are published, full names will not accompany them unless we have sought the express and separate permission from a parent or legal guardian for that particular image.

Yes         No


Video images

I give permission for video to be taken. I understand that these images will be used by the coaches and teachers for the development of the coach/teacher or the swimmer. The images will always be shared with the swimmer and will be deleted from the device once they are no longer needed.

Yes         No


Please remember that if parents or carers take pictures at events, they should focus as much as possible on their own swimmer, particularly if these are being shared on social media platforms.



Signed:                                                                                                                 Date:



Parental signature (if the swimmer is under 18):